Bulletin Board tweets

Good Shepherd Church

Remember to sign up for the Live Nativity Dec 20, 21 & 22. The sheets are on the bulletin board by the Great Hall through 12/19. Hurry!


12 years ago

Ashley Nicole

“@KingMaxMilly: 11 days left til the end of the world” thats what it says on a bulletin board in the back room of my work lol


12 years ago

Collin Robinson

Apopka just have Cypress material for the bulletin board!! Appreciate that!!


12 years ago

Blair Spangler

Bulletin Board: Celebrate the Season, 5 to 7 p.m. at Winn-Dixie, 1515 E. Hallandale Beach… http://t.co/JszobffG


12 years ago

Chané Jones

But why is this posted on you public bulletin board of accomplishments and thank you letters.....so you just http://t.co/HPCP2PJD


12 years ago

Marie Martin

Gathered up all kinds of construction paper to make my bulletin board at home. Left the paper at school. So much for that...


12 years ago

Chris Causey

Great bulletin board made by our school counselor! #GMSrocks #edtech http://t.co/cG0t8mZ5


12 years ago

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