Cafe Tour tweets

@FolkParkOmagh Disappointed that the café in the visitors centre was closed before the end our Santa tour today...
12 years ago

3 hours, 1 café viennois, 1 vin chaud, and 1 therapy session with a BFF later... @ Tour Eiffel
12 years ago

RT @MahoneFacts: Austin: "I met Taylor in this little café and a year later I'm going on tour with her, it's crazy" #MahoneFacts
12 years ago
RT @BookMonsterRevi: J.d. Tyler is over at The Reading Cafe today for her BLACK MOON BLOG TOUR. Stop by and enter to win a book of... h ...
12 years ago

RT @BookMonsterRevi: J.d. Tyler is over at The Reading Cafe today for her BLACK MOON BLOG TOUR. Stop by and enter to win a book of... h ...
12 years ago