Excellent Explanation tweets

Imogen Casebourne

RT @mrandrewdownes: Tin Can? Experience? @mike_rustici gives his (excellent) explanation here: http://t.co/iJim3hgf #tincanapi


11 years ago

Tin Can API

RT @mrandrewdownes: Tin Can? Experience? @mike_rustici gives his (excellent) explanation here: http://t.co/iJim3hgf #tincanapi


11 years ago

Taylor West

Listening to bartender at My Brother's Bar give detailed explanation of CO's energy boom/bust cycle. Also enjoying excellent cheeseburger.


11 years ago

Andrew Downes

Tin Can? Experience? @mike_rustici gives his (excellent) explanation here: http://t.co/iJim3hgf #tincanapi


11 years ago

dylan farr

Excellent explanation on basic yet ignored facts on injury, recovery, & getting strong: BE #athlete http://t.co/muaMNRrl @martinrooney1


11 years ago

Dave Hidding

@nimblehost Excellent. Thanks for the explanation. I’ll leave it w/my code then so that the larger androids will be targeted too Cheers!!


11 years ago

Ian Kay

@nfl_uk excellent explanation of the concept of a season ticket #clarity


11 years ago

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