Knife Bag tweets

Whiskey Hill

yup. a knife and a zip lock bag @jestangan @Cylynne @xandrarocha

11 years ago

Cameron Davies

RT @ninagotback: "Did she have a knife?" "No but she had bag of cheetos!" #LOL

11 years ago

James Arambula

@ali_is_ali6 @prestonrohman15 I actually do the supplies are: baby lamb preferably 2-3 months, 6 inch knife, virgin male or female,and bag

11 years ago

Don Harrison

RT @ninagotback: "Did she have a knife?" "No but she had bag of cheetos!" #LOL

11 years ago

Nina Linga

"Did she have a knife?" "No but she had bag of cheetos!" #LOL

11 years ago

Sarah Jane Otte

I just squealed when I found my Gerber knife in my Vera Bradley bag. I THOUGHT I LOST IT FOREVER

11 years ago

Meaghan Takaoka

I looked in all my bed side drawer all I had was: small hot sauce bottle, money, number, pocket knife, and bag of half eaten jelly beans lol

11 years ago

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