Police Jobs tweets


RT @kristenp17: HEY MI POLICE: How many of your fellow police officers have lost jobs under Snyder's government? DON'T SELL YOUR SOULS 2 ...


12 years ago

Pat's Obama Mandate

RT @kristenp17: HEY MI POLICE: How many of your fellow police officers have lost jobs under Snyder's government? DON'T SELL YOUR SOULS 2 ...


12 years ago

Richard Perkins

Police warn over Apple Maps error - Missing Steve Jobs already it seems... http://t.co/NXX2sikM


12 years ago

Matthew J Hearn

RT @kristenp17: HEY MI POLICE: How many of your fellow police officers have lost jobs under Snyder's government? DON'T SELL YOUR SOULS 2 ...


12 years ago

Adam Zerny

4 assistants (including his election agent) among 17 new jobs proposed by Northants Police Commissioner http://t.co/3phB3nVg (see comments)


12 years ago

Free (R

HEY MI POLICE: How many of your fellow police officers have lost jobs under Snyder's government? DON'T SELL YOUR SOULS 2 #GOP #MIPROTESTS


12 years ago

Debbie does Law

of course the police welcome the data protection bill as it makes their jobs easier...


12 years ago

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