Ramp Search tweets


Hihaaaa! RT @newscomauHQ: Drunk fishermen who triggered a major police search found performing donuts near a boat ramp. http://t.co/KxXpqLNp


11 years ago


A drunk fisho & teen passenger were found doing doughnuts at a boat ramp after being reported missing & triggering a police search. #mXnews


11 years ago

Michelle Cubis

RT @newscomauHQ: Drunk fisherman and his passenger who triggered a major police search found performing donuts near a boat ramp. http:// ...


11 years ago

Flounder No More

Lots of posts advising use the Holidays to ramp up a job search. Good advice or no? HR on vacation, or you're doing what your comp won't?


11 years ago


RT @newscomauHQ: Drunk fisherman and his passenger who triggered a major police search found performing donuts near a boat ramp. http:// ...


11 years ago


RT @newscomauHQ: Drunk fisherman and his passenger who triggered a major police search found performing donuts near a boat ramp. http:// ...


11 years ago

JJ Ashleigh

RT @newscomauHQ: Drunk fisherman and his passenger who triggered a major police search found performing donuts near a boat ramp. http:// ...


11 years ago

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