Rna Later tweets

Went to check out RNA Showgrounds earlier on. Man… People heading to @stereosonic later, you're really gonna have a good time!
12 years ago

@CaraCooper1 Thanks for the RT!Will I see you later at the #RNA chapter X-mas buffet?
12 years ago

@francesjkaron @centerfarms Jewel Princess another: 650k, 1.1m, 1.4m, 100k, 200k, 48k RNA, 435k, 40k RNA. Early foals > later foals.
12 years ago

RT @_SuccessKidMeme: Has To Stop Mac Update Half Way Thru Resumes Later Where Left Off!!! http://t.co/6QXRhBuQ #successkid #meme
12 years ago

4 pages and 1000 words later I'm bored of RNA polymerase 2.....
12 years ago

RT @autocorrects: Don't waste time. If you love someone tell them because sooner or later someone else is going to.
12 years ago