Salusa tweets
Stay positive as you are almost at the portal that allows you to step into to 5th dimension. (SaLuSa)
12 years ago
You're about to enter the final stretch of your journey, & very soon to experience great increase in your levels of consciousness. (SaLuSa)
12 years ago
SALUSA – NOVEMBER 30, 2012 « The Way of Love Blog
12 years ago
@vincenthofmann Sounds like something you buy in a pharmacy, right next to the Salusa.. @jtbeale
12 years ago
Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, November 30, 2012 ike30-11-12.html#.ULo6SnOZ0Ut- .twitter
12 years ago
Once you ascend your powers of creation will commence to be returned, and you will become co-creators with God. (SaLuSa)
12 years ago
Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa November 30 2012
12 years ago