Unemployment Rate tweets

The unemployment rate for educated, credentialed, experienced black men in NYC is double everyone else's..wonder why?
12 years ago

Give MD Unemployment a ring at 800-492-5524 to get your new rate for 2013 (ours went downwards) -- be sure to have your ID# handy
12 years ago

8% Chinese #Unemployment | cooking books; who knew? @TheAtlantic: Something wrong w/ China's official unemployment rate http://t.co/HDKkOsug
12 years ago

Fewer Americans employed, unemployment rate drops... it's time to dissolve the Labor Department !!! http://t.co/HVy0X8vF
12 years ago

Healthcare gains 20K jobs in November; unemployment rate drops to 7.7 percent http://t.co/aSSLA8fY
12 years ago

RT @OECD: Unemployment rate edged up to 8.0% in October in OECD countries, to a record high in the euro area at 11.7% http://t.co/U9GNCgTe
12 years ago