Average Salary tweets

DecaPost Politics

RT @GhostPanther: Michigan GOP slams through anti-union "right to work" legislation. Enjoy average of 5k less in salary MI. #RaceToBottom


11 years ago

Francisco Makuma3uya

RT @GhostPanther: Michigan GOP slams through anti-union "right to work" legislation. Enjoy average of 5k less in salary MI. #RaceToBottom


11 years ago

kelly ransford

RT @GhostPanther: Michigan GOP slams through anti-union "right to work" legislation. Enjoy average of 5k less in salary MI. #RaceToBottom


11 years ago

David Engelson

RT @GhostPanther: Michigan GOP slams through anti-union "right to work" legislation. Enjoy average of 5k less in salary MI. #RaceToBottom


11 years ago

Butters 2.0

RT @GhostPanther: Michigan GOP slams through anti-union "right to work" legislation. Enjoy average of 5k less in salary MI. #RaceToBottom


11 years ago

N. Teele Schneider

RT @GhostPanther: Michigan GOP slams through anti-union "right to work" legislation. Enjoy average of 5k less in salary MI. #RaceToBottom


11 years ago

Maria Finn

According to BBC average medical consultant 's salary is 117K. That's why we are having cuppa soup for kids dinner. Just to keep it real.


11 years ago

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