Footprints Poem tweets

Or carry us (#Footprints poem) - RT "@TheBible365: God never promises the absence of storms. He just promises to walk with us through them."
12 years ago

@stevejag it's the last two lines of the Footprints in the Sand poem, in Hebrew :) x
12 years ago

RT @ThachOhare: @PattiSM74 @breadofluv @RSuprina @NeliusPamela @Momofonly3 @janmoore369 YES! And also the poem "Footprints" so awesome
12 years ago

Footprints Watercolor Throw - 70 x 53 Blanket/Throw: Lighthouse with poem
12 years ago

footprints in the sand poem #TRUE#BLESSED#AlwaysBELIEVEin- GOD
12 years ago