Ubuntu Firewall tweets

Matthew Archibald

Plex RT: @patricknorton: Project for old EeePCs, @hexer611??? XMBC or Plex player? m0n0wall firewall? Ubuntu or puppy linux boxen? Beowu ...


12 years ago

Diana Minda Gilces

Y... Regresamos a #ubuntu #firewall #webmin


12 years ago

UNIX & Linux Forums

Bad argument `5666': Hello, When I type this command: Code: --------- iptables -I RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p... http://t.co/PcFlHOC5


12 years ago

Diana Minda Gilces

It's either that.. Or I'm doing something wrong... Si alguien tiene idea,suggestions are more than welcome #ubuntu #firewall #webmin


12 years ago

Diana Minda Gilces

I'd rather create iptables by command than to use #ubuntu #webmin #firewall Nice GUI.. Pero no permite crear reglas complejas. :S


12 years ago

Scott Mayo

The default firewall on Ubuntu server does not enable IPv6. This may cause random errors. /etc/default/ufw for salvation. #protip


12 years ago

Sites related to Ubuntu Firewall

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